Üzemanyag kiskereskedelem, üzemanyagtöltőállomás, autómosó, kenőanyag és üzemanyagadalék nagykereskedelem

VisszaDiesel Plus 1:1000

ERC Diesel Plus 1:1000 250ml- Diesel adalék

  • 250 liter üzemanyaghoz
  • Simábban járó motor
  • Tisztán tartja a fúvókákat
  • Optimalizálja az üzemanyagfogyasztást
  • Véd az üzemanyag öregedése ellen
  • Véd a mikroorganizmusok letelepedése ellen


  1. Préseljük össze a kupakot és fordítsuk óramutató járásával ellentétes irányba.
  2. Préseljük össze az üveget, hogy kipumpáljuk a megfelelő mennyiséget a mérőedénybe(pl. 10 ml/10 liter üzemanyag).
  3. Nyissuk ki a tanksapkát és öntsük a mérőedény tartalmát az üzemanyagtartályba.

Ha lehetséges az üzemanyagtartály feltöltése előtt használjuk. Hűvös helyen tárolandó!

Forgalmazza: ENERGY-ZOL KFT.
2336 Dunavarsány Nagyvarsányi u. 155.

Diesel plus 1:1000

The highly-concentrated diesel additive with multi-functional active ingredient components

ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 protects against microbial growth and stabilises the fuel. It is recommended for all kinds of dieselquality, as well as bio-diesel and assures clean nozzles and optimised consumption.

The Effect

Fluctuating fuel qualities can impair performance and consumption. Carbonisation on the injection nozzles increases fuel consumption. Micro-organisms can live and multiply in diesel fuels. The consequences of microbial growth are sludge formation, which results in filter clogging, and corrosion. ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 improves ignition behaviour by increasing the cetane number and protects against bacteria and fungi in the fuel. It cleans the injection nozzles and keeps them clean. ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 also contains a performance package for ageing and oxidations stabilisation.

The Result

With the use of ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 in combination with diesel fuel qualities in accordance with DIN, a cetane number improvement by up to three points and an immediate improvement of the ignition behaviour are achieved. With the highly effective anti-fouling components, the settling of bacteria is prevented in diesel fuel and microbial growth averted. ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 is also suitable for bio-diesel.

The benefits at a glance

ERC Diesel plus 1:1000:

  • Improves cold start-up, improves engine performance
  • Prevents bacteria and fungi in diesel fuel
  • Is especially recommended for seasonal vehicle decommissioning
  • Cleans the fuel system and the injection nozzles and keeps them clean
  • Protects against corrosion in fuel tanks, fuel lines, and in engine interiors
  • Results in clean combustion and reduction of emissions (e.g. soot, CO, etc.)
  • Protects the environment and improves engine performance

ERC Diesel plus 1:1000 is designed for regular use and is suitable for mineral-based and bio-diesel fuels. Relieves the diesel particulate filter (DPF suitable).